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Maria do Rosário Jacinto
Maria do Rosário Jacinto joined Fragmentos in 2013, but her connection with the atelier began much earlier, through occasional projects and a growing friendship. In 2016, she assumed the role of project coordinator, and in 2018, she became an associate architect. In 2025, she was announced as one of the atelier's new partners.

Fernando Flora

Revitalizing a palace between the hill and the river
One of the most remarkable rehabilitation projects in recent years, not only because of its size but also for the challenges it presented, is the rehabilitation and conversion of a palace in Campo das Cebolas. Miguel Martins Santos spoke with Diana Nigra about the key challenges of this unique project, which lasted a total of eight years.

Can we change the world?
Designing is always about transformation – starting from something that could be a desire, a wish, a piece of land with its constraints, or even an existing structure. Can we then say that architects create the world? Do they have the tools to change it?

Architecture and theater

#11 How to assign value to a project
The value of an architectural project is not easily quantifiable and often goes beyond merely defining fees. What factors come into play? How do you assign value to a project? And how do you ensure that the project adds and creates value?

A hotel where the architecture springs from the landscape
Scattered among natural elements, the villas create a visual impression of reduced impact, allowing the landscape to prevail over the built areas. The integration of the volumes into the landscape and the preservation of the local identity is the guiding principle of the entire project.

#10 What is the architect's superpower?

#09 How to create impact?
Architecture changes people's lives and the territory; it has a clear and effective impact on everything it touches. It's crucial for the architect to be aware of this and take responsibility for the impact of their practice. But how do we ensure we're doing it the right way?

Spaces of work and confort
In Alcântara, once the main industrial hub of Lisbon, two warehouses will be converted into a mixed-use office complex with several open space areas. We spoke with Francisco Ferreira, Head of Sales and Marketing at Prime, and architects Maria do Rosário Jacinto and Jorge Ferreira.

Spotlight: João Paulo Branco
At Fragmentos, Sustainability is a constant concern, and I believe the decision to add an autonomous Engineering team to the Architecture team has impacted this prioritization. T

#08 Why does the image matter?
One of the first manifestations of a project is the drawing, the image. From a broader perspective, the image of each project contributes to shaping the image of the studio. But what is the image of the studio? How is it built? What does it depend on? How is it cultivated?