Dom Luís I
A new shell to surround the existing building

Located in an area of the city currently undergoing great transformation, the proposal was to create a new shell to surround the existing building, which would work as a means of integrating its form into the surrounding area. The guiding principle was to intervene in such a way that the new façade, consisting of vertical glass elements, should create uniformity with that of the existing form. Taking advantage of lighting, it was possible to allow the building to function as a light box on the Lisbon skyline without this interfering with the traditional architectural features of its immediate urban environment.

Location, Lisbon, Portugal
Client, The Edge Group
Area, 10.000 m2
Phase, Built
Year, 2015 - 2016
Architecture, Isabel Pereira, Maria do Rosário Jacinto, Miguel Vivas, Pedro Silva Lopes (in-house)
Specialties, GLFV, Crespassos, Exactusensu
Supervision, DDN
Construction, MAP Engenharia
Luminotechnics, Lightplan
Measurements, Coopas
Signage, Magnésio
Photography, Fernando Guerra
Film, Building Pictures
For further details, Pinterest